Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Issue Seven - Autumn 2008!


Bit late this time, but still managed to get it out in the target month by the skin of my teeth! More about that in the editorial!

This issue contains:
TenDoc & Rose Cover - Aimee Steinberger
Editorial by Paul Castle
Interview with Chris McKeon (new book: Time's Champion)
"Alien Bodies: The End Was Nigh?" by Jon Arnold
Eighth Doctor cartoon by Mike Morgan
"On The Other Hand..." by Paul Castle
"Big Finish 1998-2008: From Benny To Many!" by Nicole Redo
"The Wrath Of The Terrible Zodin!" cartoon by Mike Morgan
“AlternativeZ” (J, K, & L) by Terry Francis
"Recurring Monsters And Villains" by Louise Sellers (graph by Paul Castle)
"Almost But Not Quite A Life" cartoon by Mike Morgan
"Doctor Who Monthly" - reviews by Wesley Osam (Managra), Adam Stone (The Romans), Arfie Mansfield (The Joy Device), James Hadwen (The Stockbridge Horror), Colin John Francis (Exile), and Paul Castle (The Five Doctors)
Interview with Jon Connors (new fanzine: Jargon)
"Tune In, Tune Out" by Nick Mellish
"Missing Episodes?" by Paul Castle
"William Hartnell's Hats And A Hundred And One Other Questions..." by Paul Castle
"Tennant's Hamlet" reviewed by Jon Arnold
"Scenes From The Cutting Room Floor: Invasion Of The Dinosaurs" cartoon by Mike Morgan
"Steven Taylor: The Real Hero Of Sixties Doctor Who" by Leslie McMurtry
The Terry Francis Crossword
"The Biggest Cop-Out Ending In Doctor Who - Ever!" by Paul Castle
"Well-Prepared" cartoon by Aimee Steinberger

As always the issue comes in two free-to-download editions. This gives you a choice: you can either print it out as a proper fanzine, or read onscreen as an e-zine.

A5 Fanzine version (print this side first):
Side A (file size 5MB approx)

(and then flip the pages over as a whole and insert them into the sheetfeeder so that the blank side prints):
Side B (file size 4.5MB approx)

E-zine version:
Screencopy (file size 9.5MB approx)

As ever, all the back issues are still available:
Issue six link
Issue one to five links

I hope you enjoy the issue - as ever all feedback is welcome!
